Marrriage Equality’s invites you to the launch of Missing Pieces
Published: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Marriage Equality kindly asks you to Save The Date for the launch of our eagerly anticipated new report, "Missing Pieces".
This ground-breaking report highlighting over 160 legislative differences between civil partnership and civil marriage.
When: Tuesday, 4th October - 12.30pm to 2.00pm
Where: The Oak Room, Mansion House, Dawson Street, Dublin 2.
The launch will feature speakers involved in the research, including top legal experts in such fields as family law and children's rights, among others.
If you are a legal professional, legislator, policy-maker, or are working towards LGBT rights and equality, this launch is not to be missed!
Early expression of interest is advised.
Please RSVP by close of business on Friday 23rd September to Moninne Griffith, Marriage Equality Director, on or call (01) 8734183.